Use Cases


Insurance Companies

With more than 70% of all healthcare costs are directly linked to preventable chronic health conditions, insurance companies have now shifted their focus to help people stay healthy and look after their health. COC enables health insurance companies to change the customer touchpoints rather contacting them at points of distress. It helps to create continuous customer engagement by playing an active role in their health which reduces the need to seek medical care.

Fitness and Lifestyle Clubs

COC gives coaches, nutritionists, doctors and health care professionals the ability to track and measure their customer/patients’ vitals through an innovative, integrated health care platform. COC is the future of wellness and fitness that is making the monitoring of client’s health much easier and engaging.

Fitness and Lifestyle Clubs


COCs provides the solution to corporate for their employees to regularly check their vital health parameters which motivates the employees to practice healthy lifestyle and eventually leads to:

  • Improved employee morale and decreased stress level.
  • Lowered healthcare and insurance costs.
  • Decreased Employee Absenteeism and increased productivity.
  • The caring attitude towards employees increases employee retention.

Government NGO's

Government and NGOs across the globe are now shifting their focus from curative to preventive healthcare. COC with its integrated smart digital platform helps to launch and monitor the institutional, community, regional or even national health awareness Campaigns. COC enables institutions to positively influence the lives of their citizens by providing them the opportunity to be aware of their health regularly. Having COC in a medical government facility can lead to prevention from serious diseases such as hypertension, Anaemia, type II diabetes, and malnutriti
Government NGO's

Health Institution

In addition to reduce patient’s waiting time, COC PODS offer a reliable, robust and user friendly solution to hospitals and clinics. It tracks patient vitals and provides an engaging platform to execute various health awareness programs.

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